EtherMega (Arduino Mega 2560) and freeRTOS

This is an unboxing and porting review of the Freetronics EtherMega.


It is an Arduino Mega 2560 compatible product, with the added goodness of a Wiznet W5100 Ethernet module and a MicroSD card cage on board.

Obviously, my first job is to port the freeRTOS code to run on the EtherMega ATmega2560 microcontroller. There are some things about the ATmega2560 that are different from other ATmega devices, making it necessary to modify the standard freeRTOS code for it to work correctly. But the main difference is that because of the size of its flash memory, it has a 3 byte program counter (rather than 2 byte in every other ATmega device).

There are only a few references to making the ATmega2560 work. This reference is the most compelling guide.

Stu_San has proposed a port, and I have used it as an accurate guide to getting things running. There are some changes. freeRTOS has changed significantly with regard to how the port.c file is built. Also, I’ve already implemented options for Timer selection. So the resultant code on the Sourceforge AVRfreeRTOS Project is slightly different to what Stu_San proposed.

The avr-linker script needs to have a small addition to support Stu_San’s suggestions. For the purposes of simplicity (only change a little as possible, to get things working), I’ve only included the .task tag into the avr6.x file, that will replace the normal avr-binutils file in /usr/lib/ldscripts

UPDATE: as of avrlibc 1.8.0 there is a .lowtext section in avr6.x included at the bottom of flash, which is exactly what we need for this outcome. Hence, in the port for freeRTOS800 I’ve converted from .task to use .lowtext, which means there is no need to change or modify the avr6.x file. It will just work automagically.

At this stage the EtherMega is nicely flashing its LED at me, which means that the scheduler and IO addressing using my digitalAnalogue tools are working correctly. But, I’m sure there are many things still to improve over the coming days and weeks.

Update – 25 January 2012

Corrected an error calculating the serial port baud rate. The (all) AVR data sheet has an error in it, that only exhibits at certain CPU frequencies. Unfortunately, I’ve normally only used Arduino and Freetronics kit over-clocked to 22.1184MHz, which provides perfect baud rates with no error. This CPU frequency does not exercise the faulty data sheet calculation, to generate errors.

WormFood’s AVR Baud Rate Calculator

The standard Arduino CPU frequency of 16MHz causes the serial port to run too slow by 3.7% at 115200 baud (well outside the recommended range of 2%), and more importantly the data sheet calculation chooses the wrong set up value for the UBRR value driving the baud clock, causing the serial port to become unworkable. The calculation method has been improved in the AVR <util/setbaud.h> file, and that calculation method is now used in my serial library. New code uploaded.

Update – 8 March 2012

Completed the ChaN FatF library port to freeRTOS for driving the microSD card. Supports both SD and HCSD. Code in usual place.

Update – 5 April 2012

Completed the Ethernet library port to freeRTOS for driving the Wiznet W5100. Supports TCP, UDP and Raw IP modes. Code in usual place.

The standard Arduino Mega stk500v2 bootloader used by default in the Freetronics EtherMega does not work when loading more than 64kB into flash. I’ve found a modified version by msproul that works, or at least does now that I’ve changed it a little more, to be found here.

freeRTOS and libraries for AVR ATmega with Eclipse IDE

I’ve created a Sourceforge project as a place to host all my current tools and working environment. The Sourceforge site is now 4 years old, and there’s a GitHub site too, which is now the most up to date repository

Preferred: Github freeRTOS & libraries for AVR ATMEGA

Secondary: Sourceforge freeRTOS & libraries for AVR ATMEGA

The Sourceforge repository has become so complex, with so many libraries, I thought that it was about time to make a simple version, which has the minimum implementation to get started. No additional libraries included. One timer option, using the watchdog timer. One heap option, using avr-libc malloc. One example application, just a blink with two tasks, for Uno, Mega, and Goldilocks boards.

Github minimum AVRfreeRTOS

The thing about open source. Sometime you have to give back.

Things I’m really happy about:

  • Arduino Uno family ATmega328p, Freetronics EtherMega (Arduino Mega2560), and Goldilocks ATmega1284p, scheduling and IO works.
  • Being able to use any Timer on the AVR as the system Tick. In practice this means Timer0 on 328p (Arduino Uno), Timer3 on 2560 (Arduino Mega) and 1284p (Pololu SVP) and Timer2 on 1284p with 32.768kHz watch crystal (Freetronics Goldilocks). The watchdog timer has also been implemented, and if there is no critical need for accurate timing, this is the lowest resource impact system tick.
  • Converting all of the relevant libraries to be friendly to a RTOS system. No delay busy-wait loops etc. Everything defers to (is interruptible by) the scheduler when waiting, or is driven from interrupts.
  • Having many finished projects, that are good demonstrations of lots of AVR and freeRTOS capabilities.
  • Having the Sparkfun LCD Shield working properly, with printf string formatting.
  • Having the Rugged Circuits QuadRAM 512kByte and MegaRAM 128kByte RAM extensions working on ATmega2560.
  • Porting ChaN FatF microSD card support for a variety of uSD shield cages.
  • Porting Wiznet W5100, W5200, and W5500 drivers for Arduino Ethernet shields.
  • Porting Wiznet and uIP DHCP and HTTP applications, creating options for implementing a basic web server.
  • Properly implementing semaphores for access to resources (ports, interfaces, ADC, LCD).
  • Properly implementing queues for transferring data between tasks (threads).

The repository of files on Sourceforge freeRTOS & libraries for AVR ATMEGA is a working collection for a freeRTOS based platform using the AVR-GCC and AVRDUDE platform. The development environment used was Eclipse IDE.

With the Eclipse IDE the C Development Environment (CDE), and the AVR plug-in are both needed. It is assumed that the AVR avr-libc libraries are installed.

The freeRTOS folder contains the most recent version 8.2.3 of freeRTOS, but it has been abridged down to only those files relevant for AVR GCC. The port.c file has been extensively modified to allow the use of either of the 328p Timer0 or Timer1 timers. And, the use of Timer3 on the Pololu SVP which has uses a 1284p. Timer 3 for Arduino Mega using a 2560 also works. Timer2 support has been added for the Freetronics Goldilocks and its 32,768kHz crystal. A Real Time system_tick is added using time.h functionality added to the system libraries described below.

The freeRTOSBoardDefs.h file contains most of the variables that you’ll need to change regularly.

There are some relevant and often used libraries added to the basic freeRTOS capabilities.

  • lib_io: contains often used I/O digital and ADC routines borrowed from Pololu.
  • lib_io: contains the tools to use the TWI (non-trademarked I2C) bus. It contains integrated interrupt driven master and slave routines
  • lib_io: contains the tools to use the SPI bus.
  • lib_io: contains routines to drive the serial interface. there are three versions; avrSerial for use before the freeRTOS scheduler has been enabled, and xSerial for use during normal operations. xSerial is interrupt driven and uses an optimised ring buffer. xSerialN is further generalised to allow multiple simultaneous serial ports.
  • lib_ext_ram: contains routines to drive the Rugged Circuits QuadRam on Arduino Mega2560, or Freetronics EtherMega.
  • lib_util: Optimised CRC calculations.
  • lib_util: Extended alpha (string) to integer (binary, octal, decimal, hexdecimal) conversion.
  • lib_time: Real time calculations, from avr-libc upstream, providing esoteric time and date calculations.
  • lib_rtc: drivers for the DS1307 RTC using I2C.
  • lib_fatf: contains ChaN’s FatF FAT32 libraries for driving the microSD card.
  • lib_iinchip: contains the W5100 drivers and the W5200 drivers from Wiznet.
  • lib_inet: contains a DHCP, and HTTP implementation.
  • lib-uIP: contains the uIP implementation derived from Contiki2.7, implemented on MACRAW mode of W5100/W5200, and extensible.
  • lib_ft800: contains optimised drivers for the Gameduino2, a FTDI FT800 implementation, with LCD and touch screen support.

Some more recent posts are here:

Arduino AVRfreeRTOS

Goldilocks Analogue Synthesiser

Goldilocks Analogue Prototyping 4

Melding freeRTOS with ChaN’s FatF & HD44780 LCD on Freetronics EtherMega

Rugged Circuits QuadRAM on Freetronics EtherMega

Quick review of Freetronics EtherMega

Description of the AVR Pong multi-processor game.

Additional steps to use the Mega2560

EtherMega (Arduino Mega2560) and FreeRTOS

I sell on Tindie

Step-by-step Instructions

Our Destination:

On completing these instructions you should have an Eclipse IDE (Integrated Development Environment) installed with all relevant libraries installed, to use the freeRTOS, and the libraries I’ve modified, to build projects (Eclipse term for a set of code) of your own.

We’re Assuming:

These instructions are based on an Ubuntu LTS install, but the path to the destination is not complex, and can be roughly followed for any installation platform.

Step 0. As usual on an Ubuntu (Debian) system, refresh the software sources.

sudo apt-get update

Step 1. Install the AVR Libraries.

Together, avr-binutils, avr-gcc, and avr-libc form the heart of the Free Software toolchain for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers. They are further accompanied by projects for in-system programming software (uisp, avrdude), simulation (simulavr) and debugging (avr-gdb, AVaRICE).
sudo aptitude install avr-libc avrdude binutils-avr gcc-avr gdb-avr

Step 2. Install the Arduino environment.

Doesn’t hurt to have the Arduino environment available. It can be used for programming boot-loaders (using AVR-ISP code), and generally for checking health of equipment, using known good example code.

This will pull in some extra libraries that the Arduino platform needs.

sudo aptitude install arduino


Step 3. Install the Eclipse IDE.

It is not necessary to use or install an IDE to develop with freeRTOS, or with any other system. It is easy to use makefiles and the command line with avr-gcc and avrdude. In fact, I didn’t use Eclipse for a long time. And, when I first started to use it, it felt very unnatural and clumsy.

However, now I’ve been using it for some time I highly recommend it, for the ability to see deeper into the code (definitions are detailed on mouse over), and to compare (live differences) and roll-back code to any step of your editing process.

Again, installation is easy with Ubuntu (Debian), but it can take a while. Lots of things get installed along with it.

sudo aptitude install eclipse

Step 4. Select the C & C++ development tools within Eclipse.

Eclipse is a Java based platform, but it works just as well with C, and C++, as it does with a wide variety of languages. Getting the C Development Tools (CDT) is the first step to a C environment that we’ll be using.

Open Eclipse, and lock it to your launcher. You’ll be using it frequently.

Using the Menus, click:

Help>>Install New Software…>>Add…

CDT Indigo

Select only “CDT Main Features”, and install these plugin development tools.

Step 5. Select the AVR development environment within Eclipse.

The AVR environment includes direct access to the avrdude downloading tool for one-click programming of your AVR devices.

Using the Menus, click:

Help>>Install New Software…>>Add…

AVR Plugin

Select “CDT Optional Features”, and install these plugin development tools.

Step 5c. Select C/C++ Perspective

First you need to select the right perspective, being C/C++. Top right there is a button showing “Java”. Just to the left is a button (like a window) for selecting perspective. Select


When that is finished, you should have Eclipse menu button containing a AVR* with a green down arrow. That is the button used to program the device.

Step 6. Define a freeRTOS static library project.

There are lots of short cuts, and alternative ways to achieve things using context sensitive menus in Eclipse. I’ll concentrate on the top menu bar options, though you can get most things from a context menu click in the right window.

File>>New>>C Project: AVR Cross Target Static Library: Empty Project

A static library project is never run by itself. It is always linked to by other projects, called AVR Cross Target Applications.

Give the project a name (perhaps freeRTOS82x).

Now a project will apear in the “Project Explorer” window. Select it. We are going to set some options relating to this project.

Project>>Build Configurations>>Set Active>>Release


AVR:Target Hardware: MCU Type: ATmega328p (or other depending on hardware)

AVR:Target Hardware: MCU Clock Frequency: 16000000 (for Arduino hardware or other depending on your hardware)

C/C++ Build: Configuration: [All Configurations] (make sure this is set for all following configurations)

C/C++ Build: Environment: AVRTARGETFCPU: 16000000

C/C++ Build: Environment: AVRTARGETMCU: atmega328p

C/C++ Build: Settings: AVR Compiler: Optimisation: Other Optimisation Flags: -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -mcall-prologues -mrelax (and use -Os or -O2)

Now we are going to add just the freeRTOS files, from the subdirectory within the file that you have downloaded from Sourceforge, and extracted somewhere sensible.

File>>Import…>>General:File System

Select the “into folder” as the project name you just created, and “Select All” for the import on the freeRTOS subdirectory. That should import the entire freeRTOS system. Spend some time browsing, if you like.

NOTE. Do NOT import the entire contents of the file. At this stage just import contents of the freeRTOS subdirectory.

Now we define the include library for the build. Remember to select [All Configurations] first.

Project>>Properties>>C/C++ Build>>Settings: AVR Compiler: Directories 

Add the from the “Workspace…”: freeRTOS82x/include


Now there are fouralternative memory management routines, explained in the freeRTOS documentation. We are going to use the heap_2.c version, so we need to exclude the other three files from the build. In the project explorer RIGHT CLICK (context menu) each one then exclude them.




Resource Configurations>>Exclude from Build…: Select All

Following this step, it should be possible to compile the library.

Project>>Build All

If there are any ERRORS, then go back and check the configurations for the project. Sometimes they may be changed, forgotten, or otherwise different from what you expected.

There will be some WARNINGS, relating to the usage of different Timers. I added these warnings to keep these things front of mind, as depending on which hardware I’m using the ./include/FreeRTOSBoardDefs.h file needs to be managed to suit.

Step 7. Define an Application Project.

An Application will generate the final hex code that you upload to the AVR with avrdude. This final code is created from the freeRTOS static library code generated above, together with code contained in the avr-libc, and any other linked projects.

We are going to import the UnoBlink or MegaBlink project as it makes a good example. Without a display, or real-time-clock module, it will only flash a LED. But, least we know it is alive.

To get started create a new project as below.

 File>>New>>C Project: AVR Cross Target Application: Empty Project

Give the project a name (perhaps MegaBlink or retrograde).

Now a project will appear in the “Project Explorer” window. Select it. We are going to set some options relating to this project.

Project>>Build Configurations>>Set Active>>Release



Configuration name: Arduino or Freetronics 2010

Programmer Hardware: Atmel STK500 Version 1.x firmware

Override default port: /dev/ttyUSB0 (FTDI USB) OR /dev/ttyACM0 (AVR USB)

Override default baudrate: as or if required.

AVR:Target Hardware: MCU Type: ATmega328p (or other depending on hardware)

AVR:Target Hardware: MCU Clock Frequency: 16000000 (or other depending on hardware)

C/C++ Build: Configuration: [All Configurations] (make sure this is set for all following configurations)

C/C++ Build: Environment: AVRTARGETFCPU: 16000000

C/C++ Build: Environment: AVRTARGETMCU: atmega328p

C/C++ Build: Settings: AVR Compiler: Directories: “${workspace_loc:/freeRTOS82x/include}”

C/C++ Build: Settings: AVR Compiler: Optimisation: Other Optimisation Flags: -mcall-prologues -mrelax (and use -Os or -O2)

C/C++ Build: Settings: AVR C Linker: General: Other Arguments -Wl,–gc-sections

C/C++ Build: Settings: AVR C Linker: Libraries: Add “m” without quotes. m is the standard math library, which should be included in most projects.

C/C++ Build: Settings: AVR C Linker: Objects: Other Objects Here you need to add the compiled freeRTOS library. And this is the only place where the Debug and Release builds are different.

With Release Build selected, paste “${workspace_loc:/freeRTOS82x/Release/libfreeRTOS82x.a}”

With Debug Build selected, paste “${workspace_loc:/freeRTOS82x/Debug/libfreeRTOS82x.a}”

Or select the Workspace option to navigate to the actual assembler files to be linked into the project.

Project References: freeRTOS82x ticked.

Now we are going to add the MegaBlink (or retrograde) files, from the (or file that you have downloaded from sourceforge, and extracted somewhere sensible. If you downloaded the, you have all the sources.

File>>Import…>>General:File System

Select the “into folder” as the project name you just created, and “Select All” for the import. That should import the 2 files shown inro the project file system. Spend some time browsing, if you like.

Following this step, it should be possible to compile and link the project.

Project>>Build All

If this step completes successfully, with no additional ERRORS, then the final step is to upload the new application into your Arduino or Freetronics device.

Make sure that you have your device plugged into the USB port, then simply hit the AVR* button in the row of buttons. You will see some green text showing the status of the upload, finishing with the words

avrdude done. Thank you.

Now, you should have a flashing LED.

Now you can import any additional projects, in the same way.

Step 8. Things to watch.

Turn on the serial port by removing the comments around the serial port definitions, and watch to see aspects of the program in action.

Expect to manage the amount of heap allocated in the ./include/FreeRTOSBoardDefs.h file, to ensure that the total SRAM utilised (as noted in the final linker stage when using heap_1.c, heap_2.c or heap_4.c) remains less than 100% or for ATmega328p 2048 bytes.

Expect to manage the amount of stack space allocated to each task during the set up, to ensure you’re not wasting space, nor (worse) you’re over writing another task’s stack.

For the Arduino Uno, keep the total number of tasks to below 4, otherwise too much SRAM is consumed in stack allocations.

Freetronics freeRTOS Retrograde Real Time Clock (DS1307) – Part 3 Final

In Part 2  I promised to build a very stylish finished product, that could be displayed with pride. Well, I don’t think I’ve quite achieved that. But, at least now I consider the project finished, and now have the confidence to get on with other projects.

I have mounted some tiny servos, the funky white on blue LCD display, and the Freetronics 2010 board on some Craftwood. Cutting the hole for the LCD was a bit hit & miss, using a carving knife to shape the hole, and managing not to loose any fingers in the process.


The hour servo is mounted at the bottom of the board, and travels clockwise from midnight, with noon vertical, until it re-tours to 0 on the stroke of midnight. The hour hand travels clockwise from 0 minutes at the bottom, over 30 minutes horizontal, to 59 minutes at the top of the stroke. At 0 minutes, the minute hand re-tours to 0 at the bottom. I find the movement of the servos on the stroke of the hour somewhat like a chime. Not too oppressive, but enough to draw my attention to the passing of another hour.

As the 4 line LCD has so much screen real estate, I have added the maximum and minimum temperature display, with hour, day and month when each extreme was reached.

Adding the LM335Z Temperature IC was discussed in Part 2. I found that the accuracy of the LM335Z IC could be improved by firstly knowing exactly what the Vcc was for operating the AVR device. Measuring this, and putting it in the calculation enabled enough accuracy to be found. Using the 5V regulator on the Freetronics 2010 delivered 4.97V for me, and this value is hard coded into the code. I have several LM335Z devices and they have different offsets, which is adjusted by modifying the subtraction in the Kelvin to Celsius calculation. As the LM335Z is accurate once the offset is established, there is no need to operate it in the “accurate” mode, IMHO, given we have software to make the adjustments it needs.


The instability in the temperature readings discussed in Part 2 was caused by the long wires to the sensor. Once the device was fixed into the prototyping area on the 2010, together with bypass capacitor, the stability of readings improved greatly. However, during testing, I noted that the maximum values were reading very high. These false high maximum values were caused because the ADC process was sampling during a servo move. The servos consume a lot of power, and this causes voltage drop on Vcc. Hence the reference voltage for the ADC is no longer accurate.


To prevent the ADC from operating during the servo moves, I simply used one of the freeRTOS semaphores I established previously. I use semaphores to control access to the LCD, the I2C and to the ADC. Use of a semaphore enables independent processes to share a single hardware resource without conflicts developing. The fix for the erroneous high maximums was done simply by taking the ADC semaphore (to prevent the ADC reading process from starting) during times when the servos are being instructed to move. Simple, with freeRTOS to manage the process interaction for me.


The code included in the updated source does not properly fix the issue of false maximum temperatures. It incorrectly releases the ADC semaphore immediately following resetting the PWM values. This means that the hands can still be moving when the ADC process gets unblocked which causes false maximums, because of voltage droop in Vcc, typically at midnight when both hands are in motion.

The fix is to move the vTaskDelay call between the set_PWM_hardware and xSemaphoreGive calls. I also increased it to 2000 milli Seconds too, to ensure the hands are really stopped before the ADC process gets unblocked.

set_PWM_hardware( servoHours_uS, servoMinutes_uS );

vTaskDelay( 2000 / portTICK_RATE_MS ); // a 2 second delay to ensure the hands have properly stopped.

xSemaphoreGive( xADCSemaphore );



Another piece of code added since Part 2 is to write the maximum and minimum temperatures and the times the extremes occurred into the EEPROM available on the 2010. The functions to use the EEPROM are available in the AVR library and are very straightforward to use. Having a permanent record of temperature extremes is perhaps one thing this clock does, that other clocks in my house can’t do.

There are a lot of comments in the updated freeRTOS Retrograde Clock code, now hosted at Practical Arduino. As a reminder the code uses the AVR and Pololu Libraries, so these both need to be installed before you compile.


Freetronics freeRTOS Retrograde Real Time Clock on PS3 – Part 2a

Just for interest, I decided to see how the support for AVR or Arduino was on the PS3.

Using the standard tools on Ubuntu Lucid 10.4 from my OtherOS installation. A quick search for AVR on synaptic got the avr-lib, avr-gcc, and avrdude tools needed. No special versions, just straight off the repository.

Then, I followed the link to the Pololu Libraries in my Part 2 post, made the changes to OrangutanLCD.h as noted, hit make, and crossed my fingers. No issue. It all worked. sudo make install to put the files in right place.

OK. does the PS3 USB platform recognise the FTDI 232RL USB chip on the Freetronics 2010? Yes. Another hurdle cleared, with no issues.

With that step done, it was simple to download the retrograde files from Practical Arduino as noted in Post 2, extract them. Hit make program and off we go. avrdude works as expected, and the new code is loaded as normal.

I’d say the whole test was over faster than it has taken to type this note.

I should be over this, but I get so happy when technology just works… particularly when it is all free. Got to love your FOSS.

One small issue. There doesn’t seem to be a release of Arduino tools for PS3 (PowerPC). Pity about that. Perhaps in another repository…

Freetronics freeRTOS Retrograde Real Time Clock (DS1307) – Part 2

Part 2 of this project involved learning how to use hardware PWM to control servos. And, then to make the clock actually work with retrograde analogue hands.

First the functional definition. A retrograde movement in horological terms is where the indicators or hands spring back to their home or 0 position at the end of their cycle. So for a minute hand, after 59 minutes and 59 seconds, its next movement would be to reverse move to home at 0 minutes. For the hour hand this could happen after 12 hours or 24 hours. 24 hours is the case that I have chosen to implement. The idea is to have the hour hand trace out a day from sunrise in the east, to vertical noon, and to set in the west.

In part 1, I added the servo headers to align with the Arduino Digital Pins 5 & 6. These pins are driven by the Timer 0 PWM hardware. Following quite a few evenings trying to understand how to generate PWM using the hardware (OK, I’m a bit slow), I realised that it is not very easy to get a good servo signal out of Timer 0 or Timer 2.

To generate the right signal for a servo, you need to produce a pulse every 20mS (50Hz). The width of the pulse should be 1.5mS to get the neutral position. Depending on the servo design, pulses with width from around 0.8mS to around 2.2mS (repeated every 20mS) will drive it to either end of its range. Depending on the servo, 0.8mS may drive it clockwise or anticlockwise. I have both in the clock. For example, the “hour” servo goes clockwise with a wider pulse. The “minute” servo is the reverse case.

The main issue with Timer 0 and Timer 2 is that they are 8 bit timers, counting to 255 before resetting to 0 (ideally after 20mS). Since the required pulses are between 0.8mS and 2.2mS, there are only about 12 “positions” available for the servo to take. Not enough to allow a minute hand to indicate 60 different positions.

Therefore it became clear that, for this application, it was only possible to use the 16 bit Timer 1 to control the servos.

Setting up Timer 1 is relatively easy, once that decision had been made, so the code was implemented. But, this meant that I had to reconnect the servo headers to Arduino Digital Pin 9 and Pin 10, which are driven by the Timer 1 PWM hardware.

Also, in the pictures below, I have added a header to allow power, LCD backlight (32Ohm), and contrast (1kOhm), connections to the standardised HD44780 LCD.


Ok, so here’s the issue. I’m using the Pololu Libraries for writing to the LCD, and the standard connection for the data line 4 on the HD44780 LCD goes to Arduino Pin 9. The same pin I need for the Timer 1 PWM. Ouch.

Modifying the library is not too difficult. We can move the Data line attached to Pin 9 onto Pin 11, and all is well. This is done in the following file.


The changes are noted in the #define lines below

#define LCD_DB4                PORTB3        // Was PORTB1. Use PORTB3 to avoid the Timer1 pins.
#define LCD_DB5                PORTB4        // PB4
#define LCD_DB6                PORTB5        // PB5
#define LCD_DB7                PORTD7        // PD7

//    PortB:     7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
//  LCD Data:      2 1 0            Use DB3 to avoid Timer1 pins.
//  LCD Data:      2 1     0
//  PortD:     7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
//  LCD Data:  3

#define LCD_PORTB_MASK            ((1 << LCD_DB4) | (1 << LCD_DB5) | (1 << LCD_DB6))  // Modified to avoid using DB1
#define LCD_PORTD_MASK            (1 << LCD_DB7)
#define LCD_PORTB_DATA(data)    ((data & 0x07) << 3)  // Modified the data mask to avoid using DB1
#define LCD_PORTD_DATA(data)    ((data & 0x08) << 4)

The below pictures show the LCD pin layout.
<blockquote”>Red = VCC

Black = GND

BLUE = Voltage for contrast or backlight

Orange = Data lines (4-bit: DB4 – DB7) PB3 (not PB1), PB4, PB5, and PD7. Arduino Digital pins 11 (not 9), 12, 13, and 7

Purple = Control lines (RS, R/W, E) PD2, PB0, and PD4. Arduino Digital pins 2, 8, and 4


So now we have PWM for our retrograde analogue hands, and a LCD display.

But wait, there’s more…

There’s too much display going to waste, so let’s add something else… Hmm… Temperature, and time, make a min/max thermometer that can show what time each extreme temperature was reached during the day.

Quickly getting a LM335Z temperature sensor, I’m now testing whether the 10bit ADC is good enough to generate reasonable temperature readings from the device. At full range of 5000mV across 1024 levels, we have about 4.88mV per level. The LM355Z produces 10mV per degree, so we should be able to get 0.5 degree accuracy. If everything is perfect.

Currently the temperature gauge works, but the accuracy is still a work in progress, as are the min / max functions. The LM335Z has only two connections, and is biased by a single resistor (3200 Ohm), so it will fit into the board if that is all that is needed. Getting perfection may require addition of decoupling capacitors on AREF and across the sensor, but I’m still
experimenting with this.


The overall working product is shown below. But wait, there’s more…

I was not happy with using resistors to tie up the SCL and SDA lines high for the I2C bus, as it should be possible to use the internal pull up resistors in some situations (according to the Atmel datasheet).

So using a new Freetronics 2010 from Little Bird Electronics, the clock is now rebuilt without external pull up resistors. The I2C code is modified to only pull up the lines between the start and stop bus instructions. The levels are messy (not showing sharp transitions in my SLO) but, never the less the code and the clock works.

The working device is shown below. Note the rather funky white on blue display I got from Sparkfun.


In the years since this instruction was writen, I’ve migrated to Github. So the code is hosted here. The freeRTOS code is also posted on Github. I used the Pololu Library for writing to the display, so it needs to be installed along with the normal AVR libraries.

Part 3 will look at how to build a really stylish clock face that can be shown off in public

Freetronics 2010 (Arduino Duemilanova) freeRTOS Real Time Clock (DS1307) – Part 1

I was pondering the blank space on my 2010 recently, and combining that space with some other left over kit from Dogbot, I decided to make a dual retrograde analogue clock.

To build the clock I have the choice of either using NTP to sync a wireless enabled device, or use a RTC clock and re-set it every month or so. For this iteration, I’ve decided to go the RTC route.

Actually, reading this Tronixstuff page also got me going on the idea of using a DS1307 chip, and also Sparkfun makes a nice module that just happens to fit in the vacant space on the 2010. So, I bought one from LittleBird Electronics.

Only other thing to do was to add some servo headers, to get me going with the analogue clock face (using servos).

The picture below shows the layout. I tried a few different options, but this layout seems to only affect the legibility of the pin labelling. Other layouts mask the crystals close together, and I’m not sure how that would affect clock accuracy, or prevent the battery from being removed (9 years later).


Yes, everything fits. Now to the soldering iron.


Ok now it is soldered together, and everything looks reasonably fine.


Now, on the test bed, I have the RTC clock working well using my beloved freeRTOS, and can get on with using the servos to drive analogue hands.


In the years since this instruction was writen, I’ve migrated to Github. So the code is hosted here. The freeRTOS code is also posted on Github. I used the Pololu Library for writing to the display, so it needs to be installed along with the normal AVR libraries.

Part 2 looks at building the PWM control for the retrograde hands, and adding a temperature function.

Freetronics 2010 (Arduino Duemilanova) Overclocking & Review

Recently, I picked up a Freetronics 2010 from Little Bird Electronics.


I thought that it would make a nice upgrade to my Dogbot test bed. It uses the same USB connector as Dogbot’s Pololu SVP, so it saves me from keeping different USB cables handy, but is in every way 100% the same as the Arduino Duemilanove that I’ve been using up to now.

But, everything I own is hacked in some way. So as usual, I thought that the 2010 could be improved, just as I’ve improved the Duemilanove before it, by overclocking it to 22.1184MHz.

Overclocking to 22.1184MHz

So why change the clock frequency to this odd number of 22.1184MHZ, and not to 20MHz which would be in specification?

It turns out that because of the binary and integer world the 2010 and the Duemilanova ATmega328p MCU live in, it is much better have a “nice” binary and integer friendly base frequency. Unfortunately, although 16MHz on a 2010 or Arduino sounds nice, from the point of view of integer programming, clock scaling, and UART interfacing, it is difficult to get clean integer numbers.

A small example.
16MHz clock scaled to 115200baud = 138.888888889 so rounding gives an error term.
20MHz clock scaled to 115200baud = 173.6111111111 so, again, rounding gives an error term.
22.1184MHz clock scaled to 115200baud = 192 with no rounding error.

Also, even though we are getting 16,000,000 instructions per second out of a standard?2010, and that should be enough for any application. I can get 22,118,400 or a 38% improvement for the cost of a few cents. So, why wouldn’t you?

What kind of issues can occur?

Well, over-clocking means that the ATmega328p is out of specification. But, I’m not too worried about pushing specification on this project, as the 328p is certified for an industrial operating temperature range, which is way outside of my operating temperature… There are also unverified reports of AVR ATmegas working successfully up to 32MHz.

In the overall scheme of things, raising the clock frequency on the AVR ATmega328p above specification by 10% to 22.1184MHz is no big deal.

Upgrading Process

1. Obtain a 22.1184MHz HC49/US crystal from Digikey They’re pretty cheap. Buy a bag in case of accidents.


2. Use a knife tip under the existing 16MHz crystal to give you a lever to pressure it into removal, without burning your fingers. It will get very hot!

3. Turn over the board and use a soldering iron to heat the joints, whilst leaning on the knife to lever out the 16MHz crystal. Once it is removed, use some solder wick or similar to remove excess solder, and make it easier to insert and solder the new 22.1184MHz crystal.


4. Building a new bootloader. In replacing the crystal, the 2010 is effectively bricked. You can no longer communicate with it using the standard bootloader. It is now running too fast and out of specification for avrdude to communicate with it, so we have to compile and burn a new boot loader before we go any further. I choose to use the Adaboot328 bootloader from Ladyada. It resolves a few known issues with Arduino compatible boards, and is easy to compile.

In the ATmegaBOOT_xx8.c file, change the UART baud rate to 115200, if you use avrdude for programming (if using Arduino IDE, do not change this from 19200). Who has time to wait around these days for 19200 baud, anyway?

/* set the UART baud rate */
#define BAUD_RATE?? 115200

In the Makefile, change the AVR_FREQ value to 22118400L for the adaboot328: TARGET.

adaboot328: TARGET = adaboot328
# Change clock frequency from 16000000L
adaboot328: AVR_FREQ = 22118400L

Then, compile the bootloader, and keep it safe.

5. Prepare an ISP. There are many alternative ways to do this, and here is not the place to describe the alternatives. Suffice to say that I used the AVRISP method in the Arduino-0018 IDE. I’ve struggled with avrdude (which I otherwise use for everything) as a bootloader ISP. I don’t know why, but I can’t make it work.

It happens that I have a standard Arduino clone available, which I prepare as the AVRISP, by uploading the following sketch File>Examples>ArduinoISP.

6. To be able to use Arduino IDE to burn our special bootloader, you have to replace the standard ATmegaBOOT_168_atmega328.hex bootloader file, found in ~arduino/bootloaders/atmega/ with our newly generated file. And, to make things simple, I just rename or remove the standard one, and replace it with our newly prepared and renamed bootloader with this name

7. Connect our Freetronics 2010 up using the AVRISP connections, described on the Arduino web site. Make sure we have the right board type selected; it should be Duemilanova w/ ATmega328. Then using the Arduino IDE use Tools > Burn Bootloader > w/ Arduino as ISP.


8. Program a sketch using either the Arduino IDE, or using avrdude, remembering that the baudrate is set to 115200. And, enjoy.

Conclusions regarding the Freetronics 2010.

Its a very well designed and produced device, that is 100% compatible with the Arduino Duemilanova. Some advantages are: the mounting holes are slightly larger so cable ties go through nicely, smaller USB connector is more common than the B connector used on Duemilanova, and there’s no solder in the holes for the X3 connector so it is easy to add headers to make it possible to burn its own bootloader (if you want).

It runs my freeRTOS build with no problems, as seen in this demo on my Dogbot test bed with a Robot Electronics Thermopile, and Sharp IR Distance sensor.
